Mission statement:

We are a Brotherhood of New Africans seeking global African POWER and sovereignty, and the restoration of universal African principles to guide all areas of human endeavor.Our mission is to build the Economic, Social, Political, and Spiritual capacity of our members to impact the Pan-Afrikan community.

To carry out this mission, our group performs the following functions:

1) Consciousness Study Building (Organization dedicated to studying the mechanics of becoming or cultivating consciousness)

Full moon meditations

Book Studies


Personal and group readings

2) Brotherhood support of Business Development (Internal personal development of economics among brothers in the group)

Intellectual SUSU

AIM business incubator – develop members’ current and future businesses

Economics /Investment team

3) Mastermind Outreach / Synergy Initiative (How we affect the community by collaborating with other organizations and businesses)

Support African Centered educational institutions

Build strategic relationships with other like-minded organizations.

“The future of the Afrikan world must begin with a confirmed sense of Afrikan nationality defined within the universe of Afrikan spiritual, moral and philosophical traditions and committed to the material and spiritual development and independence of the African world”.    Dr. Amos Wilson